Thursday, July 9, 2009

karmic screwjob

I hear twittering is the in thing. Blogging is apparently all too passe. Unfortunately I seem to pick up trends in their mass adoption stage only.Vidit and me went to buy ice cream to celebrate something that made sense to me then, which I cant remember now. He kept a hundred bucks on the counter which I stealthily purloined . Ultimately the guy gave us fifteen bucks as change ( I guess he paid us to have those cornetto's).Net Profit :100
Vidit and me are tickled pink thinking how clever we are. on who deserves praise for the switcheroo. Revelling in our triumph, we offered thanksgiving to Bholenath.Needing to stock up, we headed to NK in RKP. Now this place is supposedly quite free from the jurisdiction of the NCB and thus quite safe.What we needed was a certain herb that is semil-legal( as far as I know ) only one holy day each year. This was not one of those days- So we were jumpy. Just before we could place our order, we were accosted by someone who seemed a sidey, seedy localite (SSL). "Police Police" he whispered. Since we had quite a lot to loose if we had to explain ourselves to Delhi's finest, we departed energetically towards the law abiding part of the area. There I waited while Vidit who was still feeling lucky decided to give it another shot. I amazing as to how when you need to look natural, you tend to pace around , run hand through hair, whistle incoherently and look inherently suspicious. desperate to give myself something innocent looking to do, I impulsepurchased sundry foodstuffs. SSL makes an appearance once more and I'm feeling very, very queasy. I vehemently deny I need anything, that I might need anything, that I am doing anything but finish my shudh papri chaat. Vidit shows up soon after and we beat a hasty retreat. Vidit is silent with nothing much to say. which means that he is quite embarrassed.Vidit on his second foray has not procured anything but has only managed to pay SSL 100 bucks for the kind favor of not telling the cops on him.All in all we spent 130 bucks( 1oo for the "pleasedonttellthecopsonme" payoff and 30 for two of the most un-enjoyable plates of chaat and pani puri I have ever had.
Net Loss : 130 bucks + petrolKarma bit us in the ass and also charged us interest on our earlier in the day misdeeds.
This would be quite funny if it happened to some one else.